About Us

At Battenberg Music, we aim to create experiences that will be remembered. We are based in London, and can offer High Quality Audio solutions for various events such small festivals or big parties. Although we offer different sized systems, our Flagship is the Electro Voice ETX System with 15" Woofers (2000W each) and 18" Subwoofers (1800W each).

With a foundation rooted in music, our collaboration with businesses such as Soundflower Music; Soundflower Studios; and the One Love Orchestra, displays our commitment to audio and most importantly Customer Satisfaction.

About our Founder - Surya Battenberg

Since young, Surya was a passionate musician. Starting off as a saxophonist, he worked his way up to grade 8, whilst engaging in other activities such as joining choirs, big bands, quartets; and also doing solo performances. Surya felt he was destined for something bigger, so he decided to take up Music Technology for A Levels. This was a major turning point in his Life as he began involving himself more in the music, thinking about pursuing it further. This thought eventually became a reality, as he slowly entangled himself deeply with Music, taking up Production, Recording, Mixing, Mastering whilst studying Music Technology at the University of West London in Ealing. Furthermore, studying in London introduced him to Sound Engineering, which his half German side was able to grasp easier than others.

One thing he noticed in London, was the lack of High Quality Sound, or music at any type of event. Sometimes he would show up to parties, and people were playing Music through their phone. This wasn’t normal to him, as he thinks Music should be appreciated and understood. As he understands Music, Frequencies and People very well, he made a plan to change that. Following this, he started working in Soundflower Studios, as a producer and sound engineer. After 10 years of Musical Experience, he is still going strong in the music industry. He has worked in various places as a Sound engineer such as Musicals in Theatres, Live Music and private events, even before Battenberg Music.

Meet Our Team!